Lilacs usually bloom with the arrival of spring. Since, Chicago weather cannot be co-related to what the calender says, this plant blooms when the climate is more like spring with frequent rains.
The blooms have a mesmerizing fragrance. The fragrance radiates upto 15 feet radius with the gentle breeze.
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Me and hubby started enjoying our garden space from the time we moved to our new home in Illinois. The vast leveled luscious green lawn was the first to capture our hearts. Both of us, being grown in city lifestyles definitely missed greenery and space around the house. So this was our Perfect Dream Home!!
Once we got settled in our new place, we started spending lots of time in our yard. Thats when we realized we should have beautiful garden space in the yard.
This is how our journey into our Garden begins....
We enjoyed the chirping of the different birds in our quite neighborhood. We placed a bird bath & some bird feeders in the yard to enjoy nature. Once lots of colorful birds started visiting, we felt the birds need shrubs & trees something similar to nature to hide and relax. Then we started with the landscaping.
Our next door neighbor who is a Professional Landscape Architect was kind enough to offer help in designing our yard. She was there to guide us all through the way into our landscaping.
Gardening is all about patience. It takes years and years for the garden to mature and settle. But all the patience is worth the wait when you see good results :-)
Hope you enjoy the visit in our garden space. A & A